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Lin Jingjing
  Time: 2016-09-05   Author:   clicks:
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
Courses Taught:
  College English
Research Interests:
  British literature & Translational literature
Professional Experience:
2007-present College English teacher in CFLC
Educational Background:

Two perishing roses―compare of Caoqiqiao and Amile(2005.9 Journal of Shanxi Normal Nniversity)

Scapegoat of Racialism-decipher the Light of August2005.12 Journal of Lanzhou University);

The conflict of soul2006.4 Academic pioneer H.K.
Research Projects:

Participate in 2 provincial projects:

1.        Gu hongming and Germany: Silhouette of interaction between China and Germany in 20th Century 2008

2.       Confucianism and the Reconstruction of Modernity in Germany (2013)

Tel. +86-592-2182476
No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361005
©2016 College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, XMU