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Li Qionghua
  Time: 2016-09-12   Author:   clicks:
Academic Degree:
Academic Rank:
  Associate Professor
Courses Taught:
   College English, An Introduction to Contrastive Study of Chinese & English & Translation Practice, Graduate English, English for Arts Majors
Research Interests:
  Applied Linguistics; Corpus-based Study
Professional Experience:
1997~present  College of Foreign Languages & Cultures, Xiamen University
Educational Background:
1990~1997  College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University

1.        A Simulated Language Study Approach Bridging Cultures―on Multimedia Application in College English Teaching (2004), A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences, Journal of Xiamen University.

2.       Faithfulness in Translation & Deviation of News (2008), Modern Communication.

3.       Major Trends of Researches on Religious Traditions in Chinese Communities among Western Academia (2009), Journal of Chinese Communities.

4.       Humorous Effet from Violation of the Cooperative Principle: Basing on “Two & A Half Men” Series, A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences, Journal of Xiamen University.

Books & Translation Works (Collaborated with Prof. Yang Xinzhang et al):

5.        A Study Guide of New College English (2002), Xiamen University Press.

6.       English Viewing, Listening, & Speaking (2008), Xiamen University Press.

7.        National Geography Photography (2003), Liaoning Education Press.

8.       Macmillan English-Chinese Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2005), Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

9.       High Blood Pressure for Dummies (2006), Liaoning Education Press.

10.     Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary of English (2009), Higher Education Press.

11.      The New Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary (2009), Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Research Projects:

Collaborator of the following:

1.        The Status Quo of College English Teaching & Analysis of the Future (2001), presided by Wang Shanping, subsidized by Xiamen University.

2.       English-Chinese Translation & Lexicography Study, presided by Huzhaoyun, a Crosswise Project.

3.       Construction of the Corpus of English-Chinese Alignment, presided by Wu Jianping, subsided by Shanghai Municipal Science Committee.

4.      Use and Regulation of Letter Words in the “Sino-sphere”, presided by Chen Wenge, subsidized by the National Languages Committee.

5.        Development of Cross-Culture Critical Reading Capacities among College Students, presided by Chen Wenge, subsidized by the Education Department of Fujian Province.

6.     Multi-lingual & Multi-modal Touristic Discourse & Projection of the Image of Fujian to the Outside World, presided by Chen Wenge, subsidized by the Fujian Social Sciences Plan.

Tel. +86-592-2182476
No. 422, Siming South Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361005
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